In my ceramic vessels, buildings materialize. Buildings are vessels for humans or machines, encapsulating life and purpose within their walls.
My Off center vessels draw parallels to the Tulou buildings in China. Tulou are grand, round, fortified earth structures, often massive in scale, with sturdy walls housing communities of hundreds. Imagining a smaller Tulou within my vessels, envisioning a cozy courtyard or a communal space like a public bath with a central pool. These vessels could transform into diverse structures—a child's hideaway, a serene garden haven, or anything the mind conjures.
Oval vase high rise buildings/ around 1995
Oval vase high rise buildings/ around 1995
Oval vase highrise buildings with helicopter platforms on top/ around 1995
Highrise, dedicated to Mario Botta
contemporary Tulou
Off center building/ outside glazed part is glass front, grey slip part concrete or wood facade
Cluster dome
Building 1
Building 2
Building 2